How Geology Makes Your Smartphone Even Cooler

One of the great tricks of science teaching is making connections between what seems like esoteric science knowledge and the real lives of students as they live them these days.  Sure they get why v = dt.  However, so what?  Often it’s hard for them to see how that has any impact on their daily lives.

I have found that of all the disciplines of science, Geology is perhaps the hardest to connect with students’ lives (oiuch, that pun even hurt me!).  When they ask me why they must learn the Principle of Original Horizontality or the Mohs Scale of Rock Hardness, I can say that they may wish to be a Geologist some day.  However, while true and essential, on some level that’s a dissatisfying answer.

I came across this video by MKBHD the other day during my internet travels which makes the coolest connection ever between boring Geology concepts and cutting edge high tech gadgetry that students interface with every day.



Cool, right?  Keep looking for ways that science intersects with cool.  They’re out there if you look.  I think I’ll show this video when I teach my Geology unit this year.  Then when a student asks me what kind of job they can get if they learn Geology I can say, “how does cutting edge smartphone designer sound?”

What do you think?  Have you come across any unique connections between Science and Coolness?  Please share by posting in the comments below.

Thanks for tuning in.  That’s today’s nugget.  Keep digging.


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