Episode 14: Science Fair Presentation Day


Photo on 3-2-15 at 5.11 PM #2

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In this episode I share how I set up my Science Fair presentation day.  I explain how students were organized to give their presentations and how I assessed them.  I also reflect on how the presentations went and the ups and downs of the results. Finally, I describe how I conform my non-traditional Science Fair methods to the demands of the district level Science Fair.

Check out the resources below:

Assessment grid for Science Fair presentations

Student peer assessment rubric (Gdoc, PDF)



Episode 13: Preparing Science Fair Presentations



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On today’s podcast I talk about preparing students for Science Fair day.  It will include how I prepare students for their oral and visual presentations, the technology we use to do it, and how our Science Fair day is different than a tradition science fair.

Hear about using Google apps to make your Science Fair tri-fold board free!  Not only that, but creating cloud-based Science Fair “boards” allows students to collaborate in school and at home, virtually.  In addition it allows you to give feedback right on their documents from your computer.

Check out  the links below for resources to use in your classroom.

Google Presentation Instructions (Gdoc) (PDF)

Oral Presentation Instructions (Gdoc) (PDF)

